Tetrahedron | 2015

love-props.com tetrahedron

love-props.com tetrahedron

love-props.com tetrahedron

love-props.com tetrahedron

love-props.com tetrahedron

love-props.com tetrahedrom

love-props.com tetrahedron

love-props.com tetrahedron

love-props.com tetrahedron

love-props.com tetrahedron

love-props.com tetrahedron

love-props.com tetrahedron

Based on a pure geometrical form, the Tetrahedron combines classic noble materials and modern technology to consolidate a translucent rotating retroprojected device when turned on, and a classical opaque pure form piece when turned off. Premium black african granite base, retroprojectable translucent black tempered glass, 450 lummens retroprojection, 42 adressable SPI RGB Leds, stepper motor, 1080p support, WIFi connection and 2 hours battery autonomy. The piece was a commisioned work and more content and info will be aviable in a near future.

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